Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's Important?

     Yet another example proving society hasn't changed much since the mid-1800's!  In my book, Mightier Than the Sword, I came across a quote that was printed in the New York Tribune, what was then this countries most "widely read and respected newspaper.  The Quote did something that is oh too familiar today, it attacked the character of powerful women!
"Our heart warms with pity towards these unfortunate creatures.  We fancy that we can see them, deserted of men, and bereft of those rich enjoyments and exalted privileges which belong to women, languishing their unhappy lives away in a mournful singleness."
     So lets not listen to these poor, manless women because, well, they don't have a man, so they must not have a brain either?!  This is ridiculous and doesn't state one thing based on fact, all pure opinion.  Whats worse, this still happens in The United States today.  Just think about it, what do you know mist about the females in politics today?  I can clearly remember reading an article about how haggard and old Hilary Clinton looked at a public speaking.  I can also pull up MANY pieces on what exactly Michelle Obama was wearing.  Somewhere, buried within all of this, they do occasionally speak about their actual politics.. but what does the general public absorb?

     Its like, If they cant fight against the logical arguments of intelligent women, they use the fallacy of appearance to nullify their ideas!  Yes, it's true, things aren't as bad as they used to be, but when we still focus so much on a females appearance as top priority, we aren't giving them the respect they deserve. 

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