Monday, April 16, 2012

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident: That All Men, AND Women, are Created Equal."
 As a woman, I have had to overcome certain obstacles that only those of my gender could understand.  I have been harassed in the streets, overlooked, belittled, and joked about, just for having a vagina... and its 2012!  I chose chapter 3 because, well, I get it!  I owe it to the women of Seneca Falls, NY, 1848!  They are the courageous women who got the ball rolling! 
     Of course, the problems those women had to overcome seem more obvious than those we face today.  Women didn't have the right to vote, heck they didn't have the rights to their own children if they chose divorce!  Somehow, our Constitution has made this small error time, and time again.  They forgot to include all people when they stated "We, the people."  Why did this extreme inequality exist?  Well according to Rodger Streitmatter, it was believed that "She was considered, by nature, to be incapable of serious thought or important decision making."  Isn't it terrible that such thoughts still breathe life today?  Women in the workforce are lucky to make 80% that of their equally qualified male counterparts!  Women still have to walk the streets in fear when they decide to walk alone, always cautioned of men who believe they have the RIGHT to harass them!  I chose this chapter because the Feminist movement needs to press on!  Men and women alike, blindly believe that the women of the Suffragist Movement have long accomplished what they sought out for, instead of seeing it for what it was, just the beginning!

     The first magazine directed toward women was Ladies Magazine.  Not unlike the publications "created for women" today, this magazine was owned and published by a man.  The very place women swarmed for information on how to be a "proper" woman, was sabotage, BRAINWASHING!  Within its very pages it would just come out and make smug statements like "The number of women who have solid judgement is very small." Maybe it seems obvious to us today that this is clearly a sexist statement, but is it that different from what the pages of our most popular women's magazines say now?  Instead of being overtly obvious in its intent, it hides behind the millions of images that all portray a women's worth in the amount of beauty she possesses!  It's disgusting!



  1. It was beutiful. 4 Stars!!!
    I have always thought that women were way smarter than men and that they should one day be
    the ones that take charge of the world...

  2. ROAR CHRISTEN! ROAR! I new from the moment I met you :) you'd change the world.....I hear you....I'm with you.... Women can do anything that their male counter parts do, the reason it hasn't been proven is because changing the way society thinks we have to also address our own gender and help them believe in their innate power....I BELIEVE THAT WOMEN LIKE YOU WILL DO THAT IN MY LIFETIME! :) BELIEVE...FOCUS....GO!!!!!

  3. I think that statement is disgusting & preposterous. And although we still have a long way to go, I'm glad that the beginning of accepting yourself as you are (especially for women facing self esteem attacks from every angle of their lives) has started. Onward & upward! :)
    xx Corinne

  4. It is always refreshing to read young people so passionate to make a difference. Keep up your dynamic work and be the change you wish to see!

  5. i love when you write about things you feel passionate about. its always so wonderful!

  6. Christen, nicely written, I hope women keep the trend of continuing to grow and expand while becoming more and more independent in this crazy world we live in.
    Thanks for sharing!! Marilyn

  7. AHHH!!! I love the support this post got! It means a lot! Keep spreading the word! Awareness of a problem is SO important!

  8. Powerful post, Christen. You're not afraid to write your mind. You take a bold stance here, and I know your readers will appreciate your willingness to tell it and show it like it is. The ad is simply shocking.

  9. Good work, your voice shines throughout the whole post. good use of images!

  10. Very strong and powerful voice. Great job!

  11. Its good that you wrote the post because you feel that you can make a difference on this issue rather then writing the post just as an assingment

    1. Thank you :) I write about this sort of stuff all day long! It's a passion of mine… and everything I said was heartfelt! It's good you could feel that from my writing :)
