Sunday, April 29, 2012

Terror of the Trusts, and the Queen of the Muckrakers
When the United States reached the Industrial Revolution, the country went into warped speed, moving forward technologically.  The political plan, according to chapter 6 in Mightier than the Sword, was to "transform the United States into an industrial giant, while protecting American business from foreign interference."  But to do so, many decided to take short cuts, partaking in under-the-table deals.  Like many social issues in this country, our advancements were good for some, but bad for many!  The greed of a select few, who had no problems riding on the back of the many, became detrimental to small business owners, as well as the working class, during this era.  Luckily for us, there were some brave citizens who decided to tell it how it was, or, in the words of President Roosevelt "Rake the Muck!"  Of all the memorable journalists that came out of this time, I've decided to dedicate this entry to one woman who overcame all odds in becoming what could possibly be the most influential reporter of this time… Ms. Ida Tarbell.

During the early 1900's, it was unusual for a woman to work in a field dominated by men, let alone go against those same men and challenge their manhood.  Her journalistic talents can possibly be held responsible for the later political moves, which permanently shut down monopolies, which made our country a tad easier for the average man, or woman, to advance.  In fact, her most successful series "History of the Standard Oil Company,"  Challenged John D. Rockefeller himself.  She definitely know how to rake the muck.   Because of her, the Hepburn Act was created, which made it illegal for major companies, like Rockefeller's, to pay off railroad companies.  With the railroads on the side of a single company, it made it almost impossible for other oil companies to compete, monopolizing the oil industry, which allowed them to set prices as high as they wanted.  A few years later, Standard Oil, Rockefeller's company, was forced to break into 38 smaller companies.  Who said one woman couldn't make a big difference! 

Tarbell made a huge impact within her lifetime, she proved the power of the pen, and then some.  Who knows where our country would be if not for her, and people like her, who dedicated their lives to call out all the social injustices in this country!  Reading about this woman really sparked a fire within me, she has definitely influenced me to keep going in the world of journalism.  A woman, during a time where women couldn't even vote yet, brought down one of the biggest corporations ever to breathe within our nation!  Makes you wonder, what could I do!  How much could I change in a world not too different from hers?

1 comment:

  1. You my dear are destined for great things....keep writing your truth and BE THE CHANGE!!!! Another well written blog and I can see why you identify with do this everytime you put your writing out matter how small or big the venue...just keep doing it...Amazing things will happen if you BELIEVE>>>>FOCUS>>>>>GO!
